Breaking Changes

Due to the integration and renaming of several settings, please reconfigure the _config.yml file when upgrading to version 5.0.


  1. Added macstyle setting, removed mac / mac light theme setting
  2. Integrated search-related settings
  3. Modified code block settings
  4. Added various layout options for homepage posts
  5. Introduced a "Shuoshuo" page
  6. Compatible with hexo-blog-encrypt plugin
  7. Improved mobile menu opening effect
  8. Added smooth scrolling feature
  9. Support for writing mermaid diagrams in code blocks
  10. Customizable article title position
  11. Added full-screen button for code
  12. Rounded design for friend link avatars
  13. Optimized code using hexo-util and built-in parameters
  14. Customizable search box placeholder text
  15. Sidebar menu and button hidden if no menu is set
  16. Increased card height for screens wider than 2000px
  17. Font adjustment: Simplified Chinese uses YaHei, others use Heiti
  18. Updated plugins.yml
  19. New sidebar interface design
  20. Added JS settings for Giscus
  21. Adjusted position of Utterances JS settings
  22. Added Utterances option settings
  23. Modified Giscus theme settings
  24. Multiple interface elements now have rounded designs
  25. Option to choose between rounded or square interface styles
  26. Added icons to album load buttons
  27. Enhanced hover effect on tag pages
  28. Adjusted sidebar hover effect
  29. Minor interface element tweaks
  30. Background image configuration no longer requires url()
  31. Removed Messenger chat plugin
  32. Updated Facebook version number
  33. Added support for Hong Kong Traditional Chinese, Japanese, and Korean
  34. New copy API replaces the old one
  35. Added Umami analytics
  36. Umami now tracks visits/visitor count
  37. Increased transparency for Snackbar
  38. Article title shown under nav when fixed on article pages


  1. Fixed Prism.js highlighting issue with new Hexo version
  2. Fixed potential error when article tags are empty
  3. Corrected errors in mermaid diagrams
  4. Resolved console errors when menu is not set
  5. Fixed Algolia search results per page setting issue
  6. Resolved scrollbar issue in Algolia search results
  7. Corrected appearance of up/down buttons in scrollbars
  8. Fixed missing prefix in album remote links
  9. Corrected extra space in label tag plugin
  10. Resolved memory leak report in APlayer
  11. Fixed Artalk comment loading bug when lazyload is false
  12. Fixed gallery shaking bug


  1. Optimized function calls under PJAX
  2. Overall code optimization
  3. Improved compatibility
  4. Enhanced Lighthouse scores
  5. Reduced unnecessary global variables when PJAX is off
  6. Optimized Waline import compatibility
  7. Improved page entry effects
  8. Optimized code block toolbar display logic
  9. Improved display of article title position on different screen widths
  10. Optimized tag color generation algorithm to avoid too dark or light colors
  11. Adjusted font color for Artalk and Waline in night mode to match the theme
  12. Adjusted Algolia search loading animation position to avoid line breaks
  13. Optimized handling when Algolia search results are empty
  14. Improved hover effect for series articles
  15. Optimized 404 page code
  16. Resolved window shaking issue when search and sidebar are opened
  17. Optimized code and performance of tabs tag plugin
  18. Improved image loading logic in gallery tag plugin within tabs
  19. Enhanced scrolling effect in the directory to keep the current title centered
  20. Adjusted gallery group display number for screens wider than 1024px
  21. Optimized background URL judgment
  22. Modified some terminology
  23. Optimized timeline tag style
  24. Improved SEO
  25. Enhanced latest comments in Artalk