New Features

  1. Added chart.js library (tag plugin)
  2. Adapted to Algolia Search 5.0
  3. Rounded corners for search pagination buttons
  4. Display numerical sorting in local search results list
  5. Chapter navigation and related recommendations support hover to show article introduction
  6. Removed Daovoice
  7. Added background blur effect to the navigation bar
  8. Added rounded corners to the navigation bar hover effect


  1. Fixed the issue where Busuanzi statistics were not displayed when the comment system was not enabled
  2. Fixed the issue where background gradient color was not effective


  1. Optional tags for "Shuoshuo"
  2. Code simplification and optimization
  3. Moved to "Shuoshuo" date to display the full date and time
  4. Changed the "Shuoshuo" time tag to a time element
  5. Delayed calling the abcjs function to resolve rendering issues
  6. Adjusted the font size of article categories in the sidebar